You have come to this webpage in error. It is likely this has been caused by a software or internet connectivity issue. Please try the following:

  • Check that our Server Status is Up (green traffic light in top-left corner)
  • Close down and re-start your internet browser.
  • Ensure you have the latest version of your browser.
  • Ensure you have good internet connectivity.
  • Try a different browser (eg: Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari).
  • If you are using a mobile device, try the same process on a PC.

If none of these options work, please email our Systems Manager at, and provide the following information:

  • What browser are you using?
  • Which part of Qdos were you in? (A URL would also be preferable).
  • What were you trying to do? (Screen images would also be useful).

We apologise for any inconvenience, and hope to facilitate a solution as soon as possible.