Gregory Francis
Auditor (Position), Client Manager, Practice Manager
HACCP System: Codex CXC 1-1969 (2022) Lead Auditor
, Mechanical Engineer
Chartered Professional Engineer (Mechanical)
MIEAust CPEng NER APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus)
Master of Engineering in Advanced Manufacturing Technology (University of SA)
Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering (SA Institute of Technology)
Certificate IV Training & Assessment (ATEC)
Responsible Officer Training (ATEC)
Business Growth (North West Business Development Centre)
Risk Management (AISSA)
Train the Trainer (Australian Productivity Council)
Cattle Care QMS (Meat Research Corporation)
Certificate in Management Practices & Skills (Australian Institute of Management)
Environmental Management Systems - ISO 14001 (Quality Assurance Services)
Quality Management Systems - ISO 9001 (Quality Assurance Services)
Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems (National Safety Council of Australia Limited)
Enterprise Review & Improvement Consultant Program (SA Centre For Manufacturing)
Lead Management System Auditor (ETRS)
Food Safety Legislation (Public & Environmental Health Service)
Residue Testing (Primary Industries & Resources SA)
HACCP Training Workshop (Meat Industry Council)
Foodlink Primary Producer Program (Australian Quality Council)
HACCP Food Hygiene Training Course (Interpace Management)
Food Safety (Mount Barker District Council)
Food Safety Legislation & Compliance – Achieving Workplace Hygiene (Regency Institute of TAFE)
Member of the Institution of Engineers, Australia.
Greg is the owner of EQAS Certification. He has an extensive consulting backgound providing advice, assistance, guidance and specialist training in areas of business management systems, enterprise improvement planning, quality assurance, staff training and development, environmental management systems, food safety systems and occupational health, safety and welfare.
Greg's extensive career has provided exposure to a huge range of over 500 clients in industries that include transport and warehouse distribution, joinery, engineering, building and construction, manufacturing, agriculture, food production, hospitality, waste management, trade and professional services, health and aged care and government.
A prime role has been to develop, facilitate and present training and improvement programs, provide hands on support and advice to clients, conduct formal risk management system and compliance audits and facilitate provision of the necessary documentation requirements of the programs.
He has developed and presented many training courses for businesses including topics such as ‘Quality System Awareness’, ‘Understanding Procedures and Work Instructions’, ‘Internal Auditing Skills’, ‘Safety System Awareness’, ‘Managing Meetings’, ‘Effective Supervision’, ‘Public Speaking’, ‘Enterprise Improvement Planning’ ‘Environmental Management System Awareness’, ‘Understanding HACCP’, and several more tailored programs developed to meet the specific needs of individual clients.
Greg has conducted many external and internal audits for clients and is well-regarded as a professional in his field