Graham Bell
Auditor (Position)
ISO 9001:System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`2[Qdos.Data.UserAuditorCompetencyProgramVersion,System.Nullable`1[System.Int32]] Lead Auditor
ISO 45001:System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`2[Qdos.Data.UserAuditorCompetencyProgramVersion,System.Nullable`1[System.Int32]] Lead Auditor
ISO 14001:System.Linq.OrderedEnumerable`2[Qdos.Data.UserAuditorCompetencyProgramVersion,System.Nullable`1[System.Int32]] Lead Auditor
- Certified Asset Management Assessor (CAMA) - Asset Management College (2023)
- Certificate QMS Auditor/Lead Auditor (2023)
- Diploma of Quality Auditing (2014)
- Certificate Manage Risk - BSBRSK501B (2014)
- Diploma of Vocational Education and Training - TAE50111 (2013)
- Diploma of Training Design and Development - TAE50211 (2013)
- Certificate III in Government (2013)
- Diploma of Project Management (2012)
- Certificate IV in Training and Assessment - TAE40110 (2011)
- Certificate in Organisational Behaviour - Herriott-Watt University Edinburgh (1993)
- Bachelor of Teaching: Education & Training Adults - University of S.A. Underdale (1992-1994)
- Associate Diploma in Management - Adelaide TAFE (1995)
- Certificate IV in Business Facilitation - Business in the Community (1996)
- Certificate in Export Practice - The Australian Institute of Export (1986)
- Diploma in Business Management - John P Young and Associates (1984)
Graham has undertaken extensive customer quality audits, including for International Service Check (AG) clients such as McDonalds, BMW, Rolex, Ferrari, Lamborghini, Rolls Royce, Nespresso and Porsche, and undertaken ongoing internal audits for 'College for Learning and Development' (A Government owned RTO).
As a CAMA certified Assessor, Graham also performs as a ISO 55001:2014 Lead Auditor for 'Asset management Management system requirements'.
For many years, Graham has been a Business Facilitator (Senior Consultant) contracted to the 'AusIndustry Entrepreneur Program' (Business Management) to assist growing businesses, particularly in Northern Australia where his responsibilities have included the provision of high level advice and strategies to growing SME’s through deep analysis and the development of action-plans.
His successes include the establishment of many linkages of businesses both small and large to other services both government and private, to access operational support and financing, and meeting the Commonwealth Government's 'Department of Industry' objectives.
As a previous Business Analyst with the now ceased 'Industry Skills Fund', Graham gained extensive experience in evaluating, developing and reporting on training and change management strategies on behalf of the Federal Government.